LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws)
[3-Year Course]
The LL.B. program at Himalaya Law College is a three-year postgraduate course aimed at graduates from various disciplines who wish to pursue a career in law. The course offers an in-depth study of legal systems, jurisprudence, and specialized areas of law such as constitutional law, criminal law, and corporate law. Students engage in rigorous academic training and practical experiences, including internships and moot court sessions, which hone their legal skills and professional competence. The program prepares students for roles as legal practitioners, consultants, or further academic pursuits in the field of law.
Eligibility: Applicants must hold a bachelors degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks for General category (40% for SC/ST candidates).
LL.B. Syllabus
LL.B. Part - I
1. Jurisprudence
2. Indian Contract Act, 1872 & Specific
Relief Act, 1963
3. Constitutional Law of India
4. Law of Crimes
5. Public International Law
6. Legal Language, Legal Writing &
General English
7. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Juvenile
Justice Act, 2015 & Probation of Offenders
Act, 1958
8. Optional Papers:
1. Bankruptcy Law, or
II. Criminology & Penology
III. Legal History
LL.B. Part - II
1. Specific Contracts, Indian Partnership Act, 1932 &
Sales of Goods Act, 1930
2. Family Law I (Hindu Law)
3. Family Law II (Mohammedan Law)
4. Law of Torts & Consumer Protection Act, 2019
5. Transfer of Property Act. 1882 & Easement Act. 1882
6. Indian Evidence Act, 1872
7. Land Law including Ceiling & Local Laws
8. Optional Papers:
I. Conflict of Law, or
II. Insurance Law, oг
III. Banking & Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881, or
IV. Intellectual Property Law
9. Moot Court, Pre-Trial, Preparation and Participation in
Trial Proceedings
LL.B. Part - III
1. Civil Procedure Code. 1908
2. Interpretation of Statutes
3. Administrative Law
4. Companies Act, 1956
5. Arbitration, Conciliation & ADR System
6. Environmental Law & Protection of Wildlife &
Animals in India
7. Labour Law
8. Optional Papers:
I. Equity. Trust and Fiduciary
Relationship, or
II. Law of Taxation, or
III. Air & Space Law, or
IV. Laws Relating to Women
& Child and Law of Poverty & Development
9. Drafting, Pleading & Conveyancing, Viva-Voce
10. Professional Ethics